Archive for May 28th, 2010

May 28, 2010


I love this clutch by Clare Vivier…the tassle is super cute too!

May 28, 2010


How cute are these 5-minute burning candles that come in these colorful match holders? $8 for the set of 4 Fred Flare.

May 28, 2010

Friday French Lesson

Since I am a French student I have decided to incorporate the language and/or culture into the blog. The Friday French Lesson will be comprised of (but not limited to) French words, photos relating to France or people and places having to do with France. I hope you enjoy!


Awhile ago I came across a website called Basic French, when I recently revisited, I found out more about the person who owns it. The company is owned by Carol Neiley. She lives in Lyon (now, she used to live in the US) with her two daughters and has a country house nearby. Here  are some photos of it. The best part? You can rent it- here!

(Photos: Design Sponge)